Lovely by Lisa

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Save Money on Breakfast : Tofu Baked Eggs

The price of eggs has skyrocketed in the last few months (nearly 60% increase from LY). I’ve been looking for creative ways to still eat a savory, eggy breakfast and not spend an entire fortune. I experimented and this is a great way to combine eggs with tofu!

1 block of tofu, drained (firmness does not matter)
6 eggs
salt + pepper
veggies of choice
olive oil cooking spray

1. Preheat oven to 400* F
3. Roast veggies of choice for 10 mins to pre-bake.
2. Into a blender add tofu, eggs and salt + pepper. Blend.
3. Pour egg and tofu mixture into container on top of pre-baked veggies.
4. Bake for 30-35 minutes until golden brown. Enjoy!