Lovely by Lisa

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How to Avoid Meal Prep Boredom

My Meal Prep Perspective

How to Avoid Meal Prep Boredom…. This is a question I get asked ALL THE TIME…so what’s the secret to avoid getting bored when meal prepping and eating the same meals all week?

This is my meal prep perspective and non exhaustive take on several ways to avoid meal prep boredom:

  1. Meal prep foods and recipes you know you already know you love. For me, I try to prepare foods I know I will be excited to eat for the week. I know I don’t love bland, flavorless food so I aim to add flavor, texture, color, and the foods I’m craving.

  2. Prepare versatile veggies + proteins + grains, divide them and then add different sauces/seasonings to each meal. This way you can still meal prep (cook all at once) but you can use 5 different sauces/seasonings and now you have 5 completely different meals. This is very similar to the way popular fast-casual restaurants (think Sweetgreen, Dig, Cava, etc) prepare and sell us $18 salads. :)

  3. Examine your why! What is the deeper reason you want to prepare all your food in one sitting? Do you want to save time during the week or are you motivated to save money by avoiding eating out? Or do you have a fitness and health goal you’re working toward ? If your “why” will benefit from preparing food this way, then let’s go for it!

If meal prep is interesting to you, I suggest you try it out!