Sheet Pan Breakfast Bake: Eggs + Veggies
Join me and make an easy meal prep breakfast or breakfast for a crowd! The best part — you can use the vegetables you have on hand.
In the recipe below, I used green squash so I pre-roasted before adding the egg mixture (depending on the vegetable, you may or may not have to pre-roast if they tend to be a bit watery).
I added this to meal prep, and I’ve also created breakfast sandwiches for a crowd by adding sheet pan eggs to a sleeve of Kings Hawaiian rolls (now that was an easy and fun way to feed breakfast to a crowd)!
Try it out and feel free to share how yours turned out :)
Pre-roasted veggies. Ready to add egg mixture and scallions.
all done! sliced and ready to enjoy.
12 eggs
½ cup milk of choice
veggies of choice (I used green squash + yellow peppers)
bunch of scallions, finely chopped
salt + pepper
1. Parchment paper + spritz of oil, oven heated to 375.
2. Add chopped veggies to sheetpan, spritz with oil and put into oven for 15 mins.
3. While veggies are roasting, whisk together eggs, milk, salt and pepper.
4. Remove sheetpan from oven and sprinkle scallions onto pan.
5. Pour whisked eggs onto sheetpan and gently return sheetpan to the oven.
6. Bake until eggs are firm (~20 mins)
7. Remove from oven, slice and enjoy!